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Lemonade Books



This is the true story of Alex, a little girl who was diagnosed with cancer and decided to sell lemonade to help find a cure. Her story inspired others to start their own lemonade stands to raise money for cancer research. The story is very kid-friendly and focus's on Alex's good work, not on the painful facts about cancer. 

A little bird named Caterina has big plans for her lemonade stand. But she wants her lemonade stand to stand out from all the other stands in the neighborhood! 

A bear and a mouse decide to get rich quick by having a lemonade stand. But somehow, they sell all of the lemonade and only earn a nickel! What went wrong?

On a hot day, a frog makes a gallon of lemonade and decides to drink the whole thing himself. But as more and more friends drop in to visit, the frog has to divide the lemonade into smaller and smaller equal portions. If you can get all of the containers together, you can have your kids act out this story as you read it. It is a great math activity about measuring, and equivelant fractions! 

Two little girls decide to have a lemonade stand. At first, they don't get many customers at all. But then, a series of very unusual customers appear to buy lemonade! 

Did these book suggestions help you? Please click on the sparkly butterfly to the left, and make a donation to my GoFundMe site! 

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