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Watch A Few Videos!

Do you ever find yourself with five or ten minutes to kill, and the kids are squirrely and impatient, and you need to quickly find a way to occupy them? There's always videos!

I remember one day when the school where I was teaching had a special event where the kids could visit different classes and do different activities. It was fun, but kids... especially kids with special needs... can get pretty stressed-out and wacky when their routine is disrupted. And that day, the routine was completely shattered. It was almost time to go home, and I had nine kids climbing the walls in my classroom! I called them to the front of the room and put on some of the musical videos we usually watched during calendar. The kids, miraculously, settled right down as soon as the music started! 


Everyone who works with kids should have an arsenal of videos to put on. Not every day or all day, of course... they lose their magic powers when overused... but once in a while. Check thee ones out! 


Calendar Routine - These are the songs I put on our Boardmaker morning calendar page. First we would look at the calendar and I'd choose someone to name the day, date, month, etc, drag the correct numbers and words to the correct spots, write the number, and what have you. Then we would watch this.

The Ice Cream Calendar Song


Next, since the kids I work with are very energetic, we would practice counting to 100 with this wonderful song. It incorporates exercising with counting!

Count to 100 Fitness Song!


After that was our weather page. Someone came up and chose the appropriate icons for the weather, and then we played this song!

Weather Song For Kids


Finally came their favorite part. I had a menu of kid songs up, and I'd pick two people to come up and each pick a song. I made sure it was different kids each day. Each kid had their favorites that they'd pick every time!

Duck Song


Vowel Bat


Kitty Cat Cuppy Cake Song


Skeleton Dance


Sight Word Monkey 


Opposite Song


Big Pig Song



I didn't find this video until recently. But next time I have the option, I will definitely include this in my Morning Music! I remember watching this video on Sesame Street when I was a little kid and I loved it even back then. 

We All Sing With The Same Voice


Alphabet Videos

The Alphabet Song (but not the one you're thinking of!) 


Storybots Alphabet... Classic ABC song, sung by little robots!


ToonBoo Alphabet Song (Simple and cute!) 



Number Videos

The Big Numbers Song! 


Count And Move


Laugh Math



Movement Songs

Boom Chicka Boom


Dinosaur Stomp


Pirate Song


Robot Dance


Stand Up, Sit Down



Calming Songs and Meditation Videos

Bubble Of Peace Meditation


Cloud and Rain Children's Meditation (story)


Fly Away With Me


Goodnight Song


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star






Oh yeah, and here is a final tip! Some schools block all Youtube videos. The reason is not necessarily because of the content, but because of the inserted ads in Youtube videos. Okay, so you are a teacher, or a child care professional, or a parent, and you are obviously not going to show your children any harmful videos, right? So assuming that you are showing only kid-friendly material, you can go to this link: You cut and paste your Youtube video link (you can actually do this from the Google video results just by right clicking on the link and choosing "copy url" or "copy link") and you paste it into the Safeshare search bar and hit enter. It will show you a picture of the video you've put in. Underneath will be a button that says, "Take me to the safe link." Just click on the link. You can now watch your kid-friendly video with all ads siphened out! However, if you are waching something not kid friendly, the school's system will still boot it out. So use your common sense. 


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